Grandparent Adventure Tips


by BOB on April 18, 2017 in Active Parenting

At BOB Gear®, we love adventure – and adventures have no age limits! More and more, grandmas and grandpas are getting involved in the active lifestyle of their children and grandchildren. Grandparents make great caregivers because they love spending time with their grandchildren, and you can trust them more than anyone. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make it as easy as possible on grandma and grandpa while they’re on baby duty.

Here are a few tips for making caregiving easier for your parents:

Lay Ground Rules

You’re probably comfortable getting help from your parents, which is great, but it’s important to lay some ground rules—both for your sake and theirs. You want your little ones to know that even though grandma and grandpa are family, the rules still apply. Make sure to establish a set bedtime, house rules and any other particulars before leaving.

Be Thoughtful

You probably wouldn’t come home an hour late for the babysitter, so don’t make it a habit to bend the rules just because your parents are watching the kids. While they love taking care of their grandchildren, remember they also have lives of their own. Be thoughtful and respectful of their time.

Invest in Good Gear

Great baby gear can make all the difference when it comes to babysitting. Make sure grandma and grandpa know exactly how to install your baby’s car seat, buckle baby in and transfer the carrier to the stroller if you have a travel system. Things have changed since you were a kid, and your mom and dad may need a refresher before taking over.

Say Thank You

Give your parents a little token of appreciation for all they do to help out with the kids. Thoughtful words and gestures can go a long way to show how grateful you are, so don’t forget to just say “thank you” every once in awhile.

Today, and every day, we appreciate all the grandmas and grandpas out there! From the whole gang at BOB Gear, thank you for all that you do.

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